FRANÇA / AMADIO design & arquitetura, formerly Archinterior móveis & interiores, was established in 1987 by designer Lucia França with the objective of developing interior design projects focused on comfort, functionality and quality.
In 1991, architect and designer Roberto Romano Amadio joined the Studio expanding Archinteriors activities, giving origin to residential and commercial architectural projects under the same work philosophy.
FRANÇA / AMADIO design & arquitetura has 31 years of experience in Architecture and Interior Design.
This partnership resulted in a new company which was created with the mission to approach peoples needs in a more comprehensive way, offering innovative solutions in contemporary architecture and furniture.
In the beginning of 2002 the companys name was changed in order to highlight the names of the professionals involved in the development of Architecture and interior design projects.
Our work is based on technology, quality, design and functionality.
Contact - Fones 55-11-981626033 - 968498999 (Whatsapp)
Graduated in Visual Communication from Funda��o Alvares Penteado, S�o Paulo, Brazil, and has been working in design of interiors and furniture ever since.
She also has taught a decorating course at FAAP (Fundaçâo Alvares Penteado), and Escola Panamericana de Arte e Design (School of Arts and Design).
She received awards for furniture design and some of her pieces were selected for exhibitions at the Museu da Casa Brasileira and Fenavem.
Currently, besides her work in residential and commercial projects, she also develops projects for offices based on rationality and environmental comfort.
Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from FAU Braz Cubas (School of Architecture and Urbanism) in 1982, and has been working in commercial and residential architecture as well as furniture design since then.
He was awarded prizes in furniture design and some of his pieces were selected for exhibitions at the Museu da Casa Brasileira and Fenavem.
Working both in the development and execution of projects, he seeks equilibrium and contemporaneity in his work.
He is also a specialist in environmental comfort and energy conservation, CECACE USP (2002).